4 legged humans
The cows in Bangalore will never cease to amaze me. From trying to comprehend a the "50% SALE" hoarding on the road to their expertise in cowntering traffic, these cows are one of a kind.
I don't know how many cows have actually dined at a restaurant, but plenty of them sure have gone in to find out the specials. I once even saw a cow entering a medical store, probably the chilly chicken it ate at the restaurant, didn't quite agree with it.
And why suddenly about cows? Coz today I saw one trying to get onto a fly over which had this sign on it.
Guess being Cowmari Cowlpana's son has its side effects. ;-)
By the way, I once saw a cow that was chewing cud on top of a garbage dump which was on fire. Oblivious to everything around it, it just stood there getting roasted. Funny yet tragic.
poor cows....post something fnny abt dogs too! cheers!
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